12 Smart and Adorable Puppies!

Another 2-in-1 article featuring 12 photos of puppies and an interesting dog trivia.

Puppy 1: Enough of this crazy stuff.. we don’t belong to the only breed of dog that “blushes”. Mom said, this breed of dog blushes when they are happy or exited and their eyes, nose and ears turn pink.
Puppy 2: Really? What’s the name of this breed of dog?

Puppy 1: We’ll be stucked here, all day long, not unless we can answer this question; What breed of dog does not bark but instead make yodelling noises?
Puppy 2 & 3: Hey Boss, care to give us some more clues.

Puppy 1: Can you name the smallest member of the sporting-dog family?
Puppy 2: Adidas?
Puppy 3: Is it Nike?
Puppy 4: Simpson’s Family?

Puppy 1: Hey genius.. Can you answer these questions? Which is the fastest, the heaviest, the smallest and the tallest dog breed?

Puppy 1: Look at dad, he always yawn..
Puppy 2: Do you know the reason why dogs yawn?

Puppy 1: My dad once said, “our ancestor originate in France?”. Do you believe that?
Puppy 2: Let me check my American Kennel Club ID.
Puppy 3: You know what our ancestors were first used for hunting, herding and even water retrieving in … guess where?

Puppy 1: Hey buddy, have you seen a St. John Newfoundland?
Puppy 2: Never heard of it. Is it a new breed of dog?
Puppy 1: Nope! it is the former name of a pouplar dog breed, do you know what it is?

Puppy 1: Are they referring to us, when they say, What dog breed has the longest ears of any breed?
Puppy 2: I guess, I am to young to know.

Puppy 1: We may have patches of black, but we have pink tongues.
Puppy 2: Do you know a breed of dog that owns a black tongue?

Puppy 1: Dad, you haven’t answer my question… Why do you keep calling our neighbor a Boxer?
Dad: Because…. I’ll tell you the answer later.

Puppy 1: I will not attend today’s Sunday School class.
Puupy 2: Why?
Puppy 1: I haven’t done our assignment. I can’t figure out, How many times dogs are mentioned in the Bible.

Puppy 1: It is better to be driving this car than to go hunting. Our Masters tell us we are not qualified to be a hunting dog breed.
Puppy 2: Perhaps, not because we are that small, because we are much bigger than the smallest breed of dog used for hunting. Do you know what it is?

***************************************************************************************************************************************** Answer to Questions: 1. Pharaoh Hounds, 2. Basenji, 3. American Cocker Spaniel, 4. Greynound, Mastiff, Chihuahua, Irish Wolfhound, 5. As a sign of contentment, 6. Germany, 7. Labrador Retriever, 8. Basset Hounds, 9. Chow Chow, 10. Because it strikes out with its front paws when fighting, 11. Between 37 and 41 times, 12. Dachshund

22 thoughts on “12 Smart and Adorable Puppies!

  1. Travel Quest

    Aww TOO CUTE! the 8th photo is that a Beagle? i love that breed and the Husky too they are my favorite. makes me wanna adopt one soon 🙂

  2. Shengkay Apuhin

    ohhhh…so cute….especially the last who look like a rat..hahaha…when i will have my own house..that will be the time that i will own a dog…

  3. jo

    I liked one breed but I don't know how you call them. LOL! My daughter's afraid of dogs, she screams a lot, cry and act like she's going to faint whenever near one. She says "hi" and "how are you" though, but only if 20 feet away. LOL!

  4. Joy Lora

    oh, so very cute little puppies, their smiles and giggles enough to bring joy and warmth

  5. Leah TravelQuest

    *squeals* Super cute puppies. They are so adorable! I love dogs of every shapes and sizes. 🙂

  6. Dhemz

    Those dogs are simply adorable great photos and captions. I like puppies more compared to the adults they are much cuter.

  7. nova hedges

    I like the number 2 photos….robust and sturdy. Cutey-cutey puppies…all of them!

  8. Teresa Martinez

    those puppies are just cute! i totally love them! i wanted to have one but thinking that we cannot bring it in the plane wit hus.

  9. Cherry

    you are absolutely right here, those puppies are the most adorable living thing ever, thanks for sharing.

  10. Yamito Uytingco Calamba

    These are the cutest dog photos I have ever seen. They all look so cuddly.

  11. Aisha Kristine Chong

    can cute can puppies get? they are just way too adorable! love the fun captions 🙂

  12. Web Design Delhi

    I've always loved dogs but unfortunately, my sisters and I has allergic rhinitis + asthma.

  13. Anonymous

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  14. Anonymous

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